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chapters:lyrics 2010/06/28 18:52 chapters:lyrics 2016/05/30 14:11 current
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Leadbelly sang in the original . . . Leadbelly sang in the original . . .
-"I get you in my dreams" (not even "I'll" -- I will). He's already gotten, is in the process of getting+"I get you in my dreams," not even "I'll," he's gotten and will likely continue to get
This vivid presentation was cleaned up for the "I'll see you in my dreams" version This vivid presentation was cleaned up for the "I'll see you in my dreams" version
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-==  ==+===  ===
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-==  ==+===  ===
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-=== Real craziness ===+==== Real craziness ====
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-==  ==+===  ===
Line 682: Line 682:
-=== False craziness -- i.e., the self-congratulatory "I'm a rebellious free spirit" kind of craziness ===+==== False craziness -- i.e., the self-congratulatory "I'm a rebellious free spirit" kind of craziness ====
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-==  ==+===  ===
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-Perhaps eligible for a cross-ref to Songs with bad grammar because of the un-ironically used oxymoron "a little crazy" ("You know we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy"). Recalls the great Karen Black line from Can She Bake a Cherry Pie: "I'm almost not crazy anymore."+Perhaps could go in Songs with bad grammar because of the un-ironically used oxymoron "a little crazy" ("You know we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy"). Recalls the Karen Black line from Can She Bake a Cherry Pie: "I'm almost not crazy anymore."
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-==  ==+===  ===
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 +====  ====
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First line of //Whiter Shade of Pale//, Procol Harum, is, "We skipped the light fandango." First line of //Whiter Shade of Pale//, Procol Harum, is, "We skipped the light fandango."
 +==  ==
The common expression is "Trip(ped) the light fantastic." The common expression is "Trip(ped) the light fantastic."
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 +====  ====
Wallflowers' album title is: Bringing Down the Horse. Wallflowers' album title is: Bringing Down the Horse.
 +==  ==
The common expression is "bring(ing) down the house." The common expression is "bring(ing) down the house."
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 +====  ====
The standard //Side by Side// (I have it by Patsy Cline), goes "Oh, we ain't got a barrel of money." The standard //Side by Side// (I have it by Patsy Cline), goes "Oh, we ain't got a barrel of money."
 +==  ==
The common expression is "barrel of monkeys." The common expression is "barrel of monkeys."
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-====== Sign that technology is getting TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL!!! (circa 1967) from Sonny Bono ======+====== Technology is getting TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL!!! (circa 1967), Sonny Bono ======
Line 1295: Line 1307:
-//We're Not the Jet Set// -- George Jones +//We're Not the Jet Set// -- George Jones & Tammy Wynette
- +
-& Tammy Wynette+
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-==  ==+====  ====
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-==  ==+====  ====
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-==  == 
Line 1837: Line 1846:
-Pre-pc admitting to air polution, like "In the Summertime" and "Lay Down"+the pre-pc confessions of an air polluter
Line 1848: Line 1857:
 +I apologize for the profane and scatological but that's how it goes with parody lyrics
- +===  ===
-I apologize for the fact that these tend toward the profane or scatological. Unfortunately I think it's par for the course when dealing with parody lyrics +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-==  == +
- +
"Laxatives will happen / "Laxatives will happen /
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 +(Used to be a victim now you're not the only one)
I don't want to smell it / I don't want to smell it /
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-to the tune of Elvis Costello's "Accidents Will Happen"+Elvis Costello's //Accidents Will Happen//
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-==  ==+===  ===
Line 1937: Line 1930:
-to the tune of Starship's "We Built This City"+Starship's //We Built This City//
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-=== Parody lyrics, using "inversion" method ===+=== Parody lyrics, using inversion method ===
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-==  ==+===  ===
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-==  ==+===  ===
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====== Thematic similarity in the lyrics of "Rock and Roll Waltz" Kay Starr and "Surrender" Cheap Trick ====== ====== Thematic similarity in the lyrics of "Rock and Roll Waltz" Kay Starr and "Surrender" Cheap Trick ======
-====== Melodramatically misinformed about the law, in "Branded Man" Merle Haggard ====== 
-==  == 
-"If I live to be a hundred / 
-I guess I'll never clear my name / 
-Cos everybody knows I've been in jail / 
-No matter where I'm livin' / 
-I've got to tell em where I've been / 
-Or they'll send me back to prison if I fail" 
-Not telling people you've been in jail isn't a crime, as far as I know, or even a violation of parole 
chapters/lyrics.1277751141.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/06/28 18:52 by william
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