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start 2023/12/27 21:39 start 2024/08/04 21:38 current
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 +====== "Boutique" Labels of Artists in the 70s ======
 +Shelter (Leon Russell)
 +Barking Pumpkin (Frank Zappa)
 +Swan Song (Led Zeppelin)
 +Bearsville (Todd Rundgren)
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 +====== Coincidence? ======
 +Wednesday Week, apparently, are a Bangles soundalike group, and the Bangles have an alliterative song with a day of the week: Manic Monday
 +(also Wednesday Week may be the name of an Undertones song)
 +==  ==
 +date added: 8/3/2024
 +======= Notation for Some Fiddle Tunes =======
 +[[http://www.songsthatsoundlikeothersongs.com/html_pages/fiddle_tunes/fiddle-tunes.html|Fiddle Tunes]]
 +==  ==
 +date added: 4/28/2024
 +======= Books: Ancient & Medieval, toc's and covers =======
 +The books in that file are:
 +Ancient Times: A History of the Early World, 2nd ed (1944), James Henry Breasted
 +A Survey of Ancient History: To the Death of Constantine (1929), M. L. W. Laistner          [solid-color cover, skipped]
 +Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, Erich Auerbach (Translated from the German by Willard Trask) (1953)
 +The Death of Tragedy, George Steiner (1961)
 +Mythologies of the Ancient World, ed. Samuel Noah Kramer (1961)
 +Europe in the Seventeenth Century, David Ogg (1960)
 +Froissart’s Chronicles, Translated and Edited by John Jolliffe [Modern Library], (1969 ml; 1968, John Jolliffe)
 +The Literary Criticism of John Ruskin, ed Harold Bloom (1965)
 +The History of the Popes, Enrico Lancioni (1978)
 +Saints for All Seasons, ed John J. Delaney (1979)
 +Man and His Symbols, ed Carl G. Jung (1968)
 +Mont-Saint-Michel & Chartres, Henry Adams (1905)
 +Foxe's Book of Martyrs, ed Marie Gentert King (1968; 1975 pr)
 +==  ==
 +date added: 3/25/2024
 +====== Yaz's shared song titles ======
 +(or do you say Yazoo?)
 +==  ==
 +In My Room
 +Only You
 +Sweet Thing
 +Mr Blue
 +Good Times
 +Walk Away From Love
 +==  ==
 +date added: 12/26/2023
====== Text List of RS Top Country Albums ====== ====== Text List of RS Top Country Albums ======
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Did you know that Cannonball Adderley picked up his nickname because he ate like a "cannibal"? Did you know that Cannonball Adderley picked up his nickname because he ate like a "cannibal"?
-If not, check out the new excerpt of a book I've posted:+If not, check out the excerpt of a book I've posted:
[[http://www.songsthatsoundlikeothersongs.com/html_pages/soul-circa-1972.htm|here]] [[http://www.songsthatsoundlikeothersongs.com/html_pages/soul-circa-1972.htm|here]]
start.1703713188.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/27 21:39 by william
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